We have access to a number of facilities that allow
high performance computing and
human MRI scanning.
We have a number of high performance interactive servers.
These include:
- A 80-core, 0.5 TB RAM and 4x NVIDIA Tesla K80 GP-GPUs
- A 80-core, 0.5 TB RAM and 2x NVIDIA Pascal P100 GP-GPUs
We also have access to the Precision Imaging Beacon HPC cluster, which
collectively comprises of:
- 14 Compute nodes
- 600 CPU cores
- 10 high-end NVIDIA GP-GPUs (6 Volta V100, 4 Pascal P100)
- 7 TB of memory
- 250 TB of storage

MRI Scanning
We benefit from access to cutting-edge human MRI scanners of the Sir
Peter Mansfield Imaging Centre.
These include:
- 0.5 Tesla Paramed Upright Scanner
- 1.5 Tesla GE HDxt Scanner
- 3 Tesla Philips Achieva Scanner with 80 mT/m gradients
- 3 Tesla Philips Ingenia wide-bore Scanner with 40 mT/m gradients
- 3 Tesla GE MR750 Scanner with 50 mT/m gradients
- 7 Tesla Philips Achieva Scanner
Full details can be found here.